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Alpaca Shearing

We’ve been shearing our herd of alpacas all week here at Snowshoe Farm. Though we’ve had quite a bit of unseasonably warm weather this spring, this week it feels like winter is back. We now have 51 naked and shivering alpacas in the barns. Oh well…we worry more about the alpacas overheating than we do about them being a bit chilly. They’re getting plenty of hay, a bit more grain and we keep the barn doors closed up as much as we can while still giving them egress from the barn. A few of the smallest alpacas and the show string for the Northeast Alpaaca Expo are still in full fleece and will be shorn the day after the show.

newly shorn alpacas at snowshoe farm

Many, many thanks to our friends who helped with shearing: Kathy and Tracey from Foggy Bottom Ranch, Jane from Berry Hill Alpacas and Carlene. Everything went so smoothly with your help!