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Fiber farm gets new alpacas

On Saturday we delivered three young male alpacas to their new home at Fantom Farm in Mass. The farm had two older alpacas and when one died recently, they were left with one alpaca who was looking for his companion and not happy with just his goat and sheep herdmates. The farm had been thinking of adding more alpacas in the spring, so they simply brought them in sooner. Killdeer, Nunki and Larson all have beautiful fiber that will blend well with the wool and mohair produced by the other animals on the farm. Fantom Farm is a fixture at area Sheep & Wool Festivals. Check out their luscious yarns at the next festival.

It’s always hard to part with alpacas that were born and raised here on our farm. But it’s much easier when they’re going to homes that will care for them properly, enjoy them and also harvest their fiber for good use.

  1. Tracey

    That is wonderful!