Home » Fiber » skirting fiber » Fiber skirting table

Fiber skirting table

The forecast starting tomorrow is for a couple days of mild weather which means I will be spending my days out in the barn skirting fiber. I still have quite a bit of fiber left to skirt and it needs to be done and out of the way before we start shearing again in late April.


For those of you who are not familiar with fiber processing, skirting is the sorting/grading phase. I’ll remove all the short, dirty and coarse fibers and sort the various fleeces into different grades based on fineness, staples length and color. I work on a table that is made with a mesh that allows dirt and short fibers to fall through to the floor.

2 Responses

  1. Nancy Kish

    That’s a nice skirting table, Terry. My oldest son made me one the first year I sheared my llamas. Enjoy the warmer weather!

  2. riverrim

    Nice table! Looks ready for action 😉