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New Babies!

We’ve been waiting for several crias to make an appearance and now that we have cool rainy weather, they’ve decided to show up. Today was a good one – two girls!  Cinnamon Girl gave birth to her second female cria sired by our champion male, Snowshoe Aristides. The baby was on the ground when Ron checked the barn first thing this morning. She was up and nursing in no time.

After lunch, Starlet went into labor. The head finally appeared, then one leg…then nothing. I finally decided it was time to go in and check things out. I got myself gloved up and prepared the lube. Just as I was about to go in, the other foot popped out. It had been bent back, but finally pushed itself out. Things proceeded a bit slowly from here, but proceed they did and Starlet has a beautiful fawn girl sired by Starry’s Rastaban. This baby, too, was up and attempting to nurse fairly quickly. Starlet is a first-time mother, but she is doing great. All moms and babies are warm and dry and settled in for the night.

alpaca cria from snowshoe farm
Starlet and cria


alpaca cria from snowshoe farm
Cinnamon Girl's cria


3 Responses

  1. Suzanne

    Hi Terry…the babies are all so beautiful. Can’t believe it’s already been a year since we were at your place. Hope everything else continues to go well.

    • Terry

      You should come back and visit!

  2. Barb

    How exciting! Can’t wait to see your new crias. Hope Moms and babies are all doing well.