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Snowshoe Aristides – 10X Champion/ Reserve Champion!

champion alpaca from snowshoe farmThe fall show season is behind us and it was a very one successful one for Snowshoe Farm! We showed four alpacas at two shows this fall. Our white herdsire, Snowshoe Aristides won a blue ribbon and Reserve Champion at the Empire Alpaca Trifecta and he won a blue ribbon and Color Champion at the Green Mountain Alpaca Fall Spectacular. Those were banners number 9 and 10 for Aristides! And he won at the age of four!

We also showed three yearlings this fall, all of whom are offspring of Aristides. Jinx took a fourth and a fifth, Aria took a fifth in both shows and Cari won two third place ribbons. We are very pleased with these young alpacas; the competition was tough, as usual, and they held their own.

Just a couple more fiber festivals and it will be time to settle down winter on the farm. Before you know it, we’ll be registering for spring shows!